TV Mounting Guide: How to Mount Your TV at the Ideal Height for the Best Viewing Experience

How High Should I Mount My TV?

Mounting a television on the wall can be a great way to save space and create a sleek, modern look in your home. However, when it comes to deciding how high to mount the TV, there are a few factors to consider in order to ensure the best viewing experience.

Eye Level

One of the most important things to consider when mounting a TV is the viewing height. The general rule of thumb is to mount the TV at eye level, which means that the center of the screen should be at or slightly above the viewer’s line of sight when they are seated. This can vary depending on the viewer’s height, as well as the size and resolution of the TV.

The Distance

Another important factor to consider is the distance between the viewer and the TV. In general, the farther away the viewer is from the TV, the higher it should be mounted. This is because the larger the screen, the more the image will be spread out, and the farther away the viewer is, the more they will be able to take in. A good rule of thumb is to mount the TV at a height that is about 1/3 of the distance from the viewer to the TV.

The Right Location

Another important factor is to take into account the location and use of the TV. A TV that is going to be installed in a Living Room for Family movie night and will be mostly used for that purpose should be at a lower height than a TV that is going to be installed in a bedroom for personal use.

The Right Balance

It’s also important to keep in mind that mounting the TV too high or too low can cause strain on the neck and eyes. So, it’s important to find the right balance.

A good way to determine the right height for your TV is to use a TV mounting template or a professional TV installation service. This can ensure that the TV is mounted at the proper height and angle for the best viewing experience.

Overall, deciding how high to mount your TV depends on a number of factors, including the viewing height, distance between the viewer and the TV, and the intended use of the TV. With a little bit of planning and some professional help, you can ensure that your TV is mounted at the perfect height for the best viewing experience.

Mounting a TV is a great way to save space, create a sleek, modern look in your home and enjoy a better viewing experience. With the right planning, you can mount your TV at the perfect height to enjoy your favorite movies and shows without any strain on your neck and eyes.

Go Mounting, The Right Choice!

At Go Mounting, we understand the importance of the perfect viewing experience. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you mount your TV at the ideal height for your space. We specialize in professional TV installation and use the latest tools and techniques to ensure that your TV is mounted securely and at the perfect angle for the best viewing experience. Trust our team of experts to help you create the ultimate home theater experience.